Sunday, November 15, 2009


In bullet point form!

  • Studying, studying, studying... I've been doing practice exams and problems. My scores aren't quite where they need to be to pass, but I'm not giving up. 3 weeks to go, I'm hitting it hard!
  • My finances are still doing good. I have almost invested $4,000 into my Roth IRA for 2009! I might even be able to make it to the fully-funded $5K mark. I also treated myself to some much-needed shopping (retail therapy, anyone?!) recently... $280 on 2 new pairs of high heels and 1 pair of rain boots plus $23 on a new sweater. (And I opened a store credit card in the process - but it's where I do 80% of my shopping, no annual fee, rewards and of course I'll pay it off in full each month!)
  • I have a few Christmas presents done... Mom, Dad and roommates. Still need to buy for friends and brother.
  • I had a few car expenses this month for tab renewal and new insurance. Thank goodness for my car fund!
  • The guy I was recently dating for a month pulled the disappearing act on me out of nowhere, just after Halloween. I was really falling for him, so it was (is!) both confusing and depressing. I'm just glad I have my studying and great friends to lean on when my heart is hurting. Sigh. :(
  • I'm going home for Thanksgiving and Christmas! I can't wait to see my parents and my brother soon for extended periods of time. Both breaks will be much needed, though Thanksgiving will mostly be devoted to studying.


Chocolate & Chants November 18, 2009 at 4:08 PM  

Sorry to hear about the guy...I hate it when they do that. Stupid men.

I need to find a present for my roommie, but no clue what to get her!

HighClassLowIncome November 28, 2009 at 12:59 AM  

I'm sorry to hear about the guy too! I had someone I dated for longer than a month that I was really into do that to me, it's really confusing! It's like they don't want to hurt your feelings by telling you they don't want to date you anymore but it ends out being WORSE by not saying anything at all! I mean I'd like to think that I can take the rejection, just man up and say it!

Don't worry, guys are idiots as we have always known!

Seems like you're doing well on the studying end which is where I've been slacking. Are you taking the level 1 at the end of the year?

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