Sunday, January 11, 2009

December Goals Review & January Goals

It's almost mid-January, I know, but here we go!

December goals review:

1. Purchase remaining Christmas gifts (my parents, my brother, a few friends) and Christmas cards with the $270 I have left in my Gift Fund (Anything leftover will go to the Travel Fund!)
Pass! - I did great with this! Even with some additional gifts for gift exchanges at work, I still have $63.53 left in this account. However, I have decided not to put it into my Travel Fund and keep it in my Gift Fund to help with birthday presents, wedding gifts and anything else that might come up this year.
2. Learn to knit. Half success - I started to learn to knit over Christmas with my Mom, but now that I'm back in California I haven't found the time and feel a bit lost without her sitting next to me. Hmm, perhaps I should look into taking a class?
3. Finish the book I am currently reading. Pass! I finished 3 books over Christmas break alone. :)
4. Crunch the numbers to see if using a Flexible Spending Account is worth it for 2009. Pass! I did some number crunching with my Dad and I do not believe it is worth it for me in my current situation, especially since I am in a low tax bracket.
5. Try to keep dining out to below $100 (I did this in November even though it wasn't an official goal - this time I want to try to make it happen!) Pass! I only spent $22.94 on dining out in December, mostly due to the fact that I was home for 10 days. :)
6. Save for Vegas and set my budget - and don't go over! Pass! I took out $400 for my long weekend in Vegas and I came back with $250. It went directly back into my Travel Fund - perhaps for future Vegas trips?! ;)

January Goals
1. Review my budget and adjust accordingly with my pay increase, most likely allocating a bit more to savings each month
2. Keep reading/knitting/working out
3. Get renter's insurance (my roommates & I keep putting this off)
4. Get my license changed to California
5. Figure out what I need done on my Civic for the 60K service & estimate costs
6. Learn to use my new food processor and my crockpot that I received for Christmas and my birthday


sara l January 12, 2009 at 9:43 AM  

Sounds like it was a great month. Instead of knitting lesson you may want to see if there is a knitting group near by. Ask at local yarn shops and/or search yahoo groups. Most members will be happy to help you along the way for no cost.

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