Thursday, January 29, 2009

To Match or Not...

I'm considering signing up for I had fun dating C recently even though things didn't work out. But that short experience made me realize that dating can be fun and that I would like to do it more often. However, I never know where to meet guys! I go to a lot of places by myself, like the gym, library, grocery store, coffee shop, mall, etc plus the occasional party and to the bars almost every weekend - but I rarely meet guys. Most people I know met their significant others through friends, but I have had no luck there, either. Two close girlfriends of mine have used/are using Match and say they have had decent experience with it, sometimes not finding guys they go "wow!" over, but enough that they will try it again - or stick with it and keep dating.

Basically, I am intrigued by online dating. Online is the new form of everything - so why not this? There is a 3-day free trial that I will use this weekend, and if I am interested enough, I will sign up for 3 months.

The personal finance aspect is the cost. Yes, it's pricey! $35.99 for 1-month. $59.97 for 3-months. I figure 1 month is too short and if I like it, adding on another month would be more than the cost of the 3-months initially. (It's not as expensive as eHarmony, which is $119.85 for 3-months, and Match has better reviews, too.)

I have not mentioned this to any of my friends, so I figure my blog is a good place to talk about it. I'll keep you updated on how it goes! Have any of you ever done this? Or considered doing it?


Anonymous January 29, 2009 at 2:16 AM  

You're young and cute, and the West Coast have way more single men than single women. So, I say you can date without internet (nothing wrong with it though). Maybe try for 3 months without it but make more of an effort to "put yourself out there". If after 3 months you're still not having much luck, then give internet a try.

Good luck!

Anonymous January 29, 2009 at 9:45 AM  

I was very successful when I used In 2005 I signed up for and I met my (now) husband while I was home in NJ on break. We continued dating when I went back to DC to finish my last year of college. After I graduated in May of 2006, we got married and bought a house. We will be celebrating our 3 year anniversary this July and we couldn't be happier. My only advice is to be absolutely 100% honest with whomever you meet. If you pretend to be someone you aren't then you will never find your perfect partner. They need to be able to accept both good and bad qualities, since no one is perfect. Happy online dating!

Anonymous January 29, 2009 at 9:55 AM  

Jeez, I didn't realize those services were so expensive. I've dated some people I've met online. One worked out well for awhile, and some were okay, but there were also some total disasters. One guy tried to abduct me on our first date. Oh, the fun! I've been with my present boyfriend for over 4 years. We met at work.

Shen Dove January 29, 2009 at 10:37 AM  

I don't think there is anything wrong with internet dating. It is very hard after college to meet like-minded guys you'd care to date. I say if it fits in the budget, give it a trial run. Just remember to take safety precautions and not give too much personal info until you can feel the date out.

Anonymous January 29, 2009 at 9:07 PM  

I saw a post about having a free dating site (, so maybe you could check that out, too...

I used okcupid when I was going through my panicked "oh no I'm going to end up alone and sad" stage...haha, it's pretty good too.

outfromunder January 30, 2009 at 8:21 AM  

i say go for it! but ouch, what a price tag, i always thought these sites were free.

it doesn't hurt to try a free one too, my friends have been on, you could also try there (for free).

MoneyMaus January 31, 2009 at 8:42 PM  

@well-heeled: I've been single since September and C was the first guy I went on a date with. I am always "out there" - I go places with other single girlfriends but we never meet the right guys.

@Lisa - Good for you!! It's nice to hear stories like yours.

@Kat - All the guys I have met at work (with potential) are already in serious relationships/engaged.

@SBBSC - You're right, it IS hard! Thanks for the advice, I'll be safe.

@GL - One of my friends used the free site and said it has a lot of sketchy guys on it. I don't mind paying & thanks for the link!

@outfromunder - Thanks! Can you put a price on love?? ;)

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